Weekly Community News for Odyssey Charter Jr/Sr High School

Volume 22Sept 4, 2023

"Don’t limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve."

- Mary Kay Ash

Sept 4: No School - Labor Day Holiday

Sept 8: Early Release @ 2:45 pm
Sept 9: Success Saturday @ 9-11:30 am 

Sept 13: Open House for all grades 5:30 - 7:00pm

Success Saturday

SUCCESS SATURDAY BEGINS September 9, 2023, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. 

Odyssey Charter Jr/Sr is committed to helping all students succeed and reach their full potential.  Success Saturday is designed for students needing assistance and support with their current work in all four core subjects. Teachers may send an email encouraging students to attend; however, ALL students can participate in Success Saturday without a teacher's invitation. There will be an administrator on the campus every Saturday.

Student Expectations for Success Saturday:

Doors will be locked at 9:20 a.m. and students will not be permitted to enter the sessions.  

We hope your child will participate in this wonderful opportunity if he/she requires academic support or assistance. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Assistant Principal Ms. Rebecca Irving at irvingr@odysseycharterschool.com.

Attention Senior Class of 2024!

Don't miss out on anything for your Senior year. Please visit our Senior Info page HERE in our Titan Times for important dates, scholarship info, and more. 

Congratulations, Abigail Exilus!

Over the summer, Abigail became an esteemed National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) member. NSHSS Co-founder and President James W. Lewis made the announcement.

The Society recognizes top scholars who demonstrate outstanding leadership, scholarship, and commitment to the community.  Currently, there are more than 1,700,000 members in over 170 countries. Abigail is now a lifetime member of NSHSS, which will support her academic growth and development.

Congratulations on this distinguished accomplishment, Abigail!  Odyssey Charter Jr. Sr. is very proud and excited for you.

Support the Marching Band

Our Titan Musicians are starting their annual coffee fundraiser to help fund marching band uniform maintenance, instrument repairs, and music fees. You can order coffee through our online platform: https://javajoesfundraising.com/shop/?ref=1075 or through band students individually.


Make sure you select “Odyssey Charter High Band” at checkout in the dropdown menu that says “Please confirm your Group's Coffee Bag Logo” so you can receive our exclusive fundraiser packaging with our Titan Band logo.


The fundraiser ends September 15th. Thank you for supporting the Titan Band!



E-Sports will be meeting Wednesdays and Fridays in Mr. Layfield’s room #240 after school. Below is the survey link to fill out with your information prior to coming. If you have any questions, email Mr. Layfield at layfieldd@odysseycharterschool.com.


Farm Club

When: Monday-Friday 8:15am-8:50am – starts September 4th

Where: The Farm at Odyssey – located at the northeast corner of the property

Who: All students grade 6+ are invited to join Mr. Hayden and Mr. Ian out on the farm


Activities will include: feeding fish, checking water quality, planting, weeding and harvesting/processing crops and flowers, diagnosing pests and diseases, solving farm problems, and completing various farm tasks. If you enjoy plants, want to learn to grow food, or are just interested in seeing what it’s about, all are welcome!


Fine Arts

High school Painting 1 Artists are expressing their creativity though abstract watercolor drip and zentangle paintings. The future of art is bright, with these talented students and Mrs. Reilly at the helm.

Commercial Art

In Mrs. Oakes's Commercial Art class, students are learning how to use Photoshop and practicing techniques and styles that they will use when they build the our 2023-2024 Titan Yearbook. Digital art can be a powerful way for students to express themselves creatively. It can also help them develop their problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills.


The future of classical music is in good hands with Mr. Hoffman's orchestra class. Making music is a journey, and these students are just getting started. We can't wait to hear their progress in a few more months of practicing and playing the strings.


Please click this link for all the GAME schedules for individual sports.  https://www.odysseycharterjrsr.com/team-schedules

You may also click the calendar link to verify practice dates and times. https://www.odysseycharterjrsr.com/school-calendar